In Everything Gang Related,” the story unfolds with the tragic death of eight year old Shawniece Harris on August 3rd, while celebrating her birthday, the same day as the Eight-tray Gangsters gang day. The event ignites a long-standing feud between the Eight-tray Gangsters and Neighborhood Rolling Sixty Crips, forever changing the streets of west side South Central.
Kyrie Towns, known as Solo already burdened with resentment over the murder of his beloved big brother five years ago,joins forces with his partner in crime, determined to seek vengeance. As they venture into the violent and dangerous streets, their mission becomes fueled by bloodshed and revenge.
Amidst the chaos, a corrupt officer named Martin Ross emerges with a personal vendetta against Solo, and his reasons for this hatred will be unveiled as the story progresses. Ross stops at nothing to ensure Solo’s demise, either by death or imprisonment.
In the midst of the escalating street war, an old nemesis by the name of G-Dogg resurfaces, elevating the intensity of the conflict. As the tension rises, loyalties are tested, and alliances are shattered, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, witnessing the gripping tale of “Everything Gang Related”.